Old Car City

Wabi-Sabi: a Japanese aesthetic that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, and designs that are simple, imperfect, and impermanent. Wabi is about recognizing beauty in simplicity. Sabi is concerned with the passage of time, the way all things grow, age, and decay, and how … Continue readingOld Car City

What Heals You

I’ve been cooped up for too long, whiling away the days on social media, too tired to focus on even sedentary tasks.  For the last week, I’m mentally brighter consistently but still short of breath.  Over the last few weeks sick with COVID, I’ve had … Continue readingWhat Heals You

Searching for Silica: An Interview with the Curator of Ohio’s Largest Sand Collection

Most collections start innocently enough.  A person finds something that brings them joy, and then they want more of it. In this day and age of minimalism and decluttering, don’t discount the happiness that a carefully curated collection can bring.  I sat down for a … Continue readingSearching for Silica: An Interview with the Curator of Ohio’s Largest Sand Collection