Wildlife Photography

Gray WolfLong and Lean, Katmai National Park, Alaska
Wolves are notoriously wary of people. That’s why this encounter is so unique. In the vast wilderness, this wolf was trotting along the opposite side of a creek as I headed back to camp at the end of the day. She seemed curious. I stopped and knelt to make myself smaller and less imposing. She crossed the creek and warily approached. We regarded each other at a close distance, each trusting the other, for just a couple of minutes before she continued on into the trees. Purchase this image here.

Red Fox

Dreaming Fox
This vixen looks so at peace that I feel my body relax every time I look at her. I love the way her thick, soft, golden coat contrasts with the rugged bark and sharp palms.  This image is a best-seller. Purchase this image here.

Wild horses

Wild Battle, Onaqui Herd Management Area, Utah

I spent hours driving desert roads looking for this herd. The Onaqui herd is arguably the most easily accessible, human-tolerant wild mustang herd in the US.  Their relationships that go from battle to grazing side by side peacefully in a moment are fascinating.  Wild stallions are the epitome of vitality, thriving on the plains of the west and fighting for their bands. You can see the strength and determination in these battle-scarred bosses. Read about these horses here.

Majestic Moose, Grand Teton National Park, Montana

This thick bull moose came out of the woods, lingered on the far side of the shallow lake, and then disappeared a few minutes later. It was a glorious glimpse of this odd creature; tiny butt, massive shoulders, satellite dish-like paddles, and a furry waddle necklace. And I’m told that their nose is the softest thing in nature. I feel lucky to have been there at that moment.

DoeBaby Face, Montana
By fall, the year’s fawns have shed their spots and are almost the size of their mother. This doe’s baby face reveals her young age.  I found her while driving the backroads of Montana with my camera in my lap.

BobcatBasking Bobcat, Point Reyes National Seashore, CA
I went to Point Reyes specifically to photograph bobcats. Wild cats in North America are notoriously difficult to find, let alone photograph. I’d heard this was the best place in the US for bobcats. It took two days to spot the first one – far off in the mid-day glare of the sun. You’d recognize those images I have as a bobcat, but no one would hang them on their wall. Later that day, in the warm afternoon light, I spent a fair amount of time with this tolerant, relaxed, relatively close big guy. I was ecstatic! This image hangs on my wall. Read the blog behind this picture. Purchase this image here.

Black WolfStalking, Yellowstone National Park

A “spring” wolf-watching trip to Yellowstone provided a daily opportunity to watch this yearling wolf at a winter-kill bison carcass exceptionally close to the road. Watching a wild wolf this close is a special, rare treat. They prefer to keep miles between us, but food is a powerful motivator. A family of coyotes playfully sparred with and harassed this lone wolf so they could get a share of the bison, too. His bright gold eyes contrast with his dark grizzly coat as he stalks the coyotes who are feeding on “his” meal. Read about this trip here.

Red foxes

Secret Greeting, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska

Read about this encounter here.

Bull ElkSpring Velvet, Estes Park, Colorado
Resting against a rubbed ponderosa pine, this big elk lazes away a hot June day in the shade. He is along a hiking trail just outside Rocky Mountain National Park. I photographed him from the other side of the meadow and gave him a wide berth. The velvet on his rack is soft and thick, protecting his growing antlers. Come fall, the elk will rub the devitalized velvet off to reveal impressive alabaster tines suitable for wooing and sparring. Purchase this image here.

Mountain Goats


Sheer Cliff Walkers, Glacier National Park
Mountain goats have specialized feet that grip these rocky slopes like magnets allowing them to move effortlessly over this steep, rugged terrain.  They are amazing to watch as they move with careless ease. Read about these goats here.

Long-tailed weasel

My Favorite Weasel
This tiny fellow darted out of the woods to take a quick peek at these humans. Curiosity satisfied, he disappeared as quickly as he came. I got three to four frames off – just one in sharp focus. They move so fast! I’m thrilled. Weasels are kitten-like. They’re one of my favorites. Purchase this image here.

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