Needle Ice

How have I lived this long without knowing about needle ice!? Late last fall, I was on a hike when I first saw it. When it’s intact, it camouflages with the surrounding soil. Footfalls crunch over the top of it like ordinary frozen ground. Yet, … Continue readingNeedle Ice

The Water Drip

When we moved into our house, the previous owners had left a metal water trough. Our five acres border over 100 acres of public forest land in a place where even private land is pretty wild.  I’m excited to see the “backyard” wildlife we have. … Continue readingThe Water Drip

What Heals You

I’ve been cooped up for too long, whiling away the days on social media, too tired to focus on even sedentary tasks.  For the last week, I’m mentally brighter consistently but still short of breath.  Over the last few weeks sick with COVID, I’ve had … Continue readingWhat Heals You

Backyard Geese

Fred and Ethel* are back for their twelfth season.  They are a pair of Canada geese who have been raising their families on my pond year after year.  In the spring, when the flocks of geese begin to stopover on their trip north, Fred and … Continue readingBackyard Geese