Birding from Bed

Birding from Bed

The Original Glamping

Going camping, but with glamour.  It’s like regular camping, but with nicer things than usual, being warmer, and more comfortable.

I’ve been spending one week every summer in my grandparent’s old summer cabin on a quiet lake in the Northwoods of Wisconsin for twenty years or more.  I sleep on the second-story three-season porch at the water’s edge to listen to the loons tremolos in the night and the purring of beavers eating.  The cabin sits at the bottom of a steep hill surrounded by an oak and birch forest. Surrounded by windows on three sides, I get the effect of sleeping in the forest canopy.  Except in a bed, free from mosquitoes and convenient access to indoor plumbing.

Birding from Bed

Awaking on the first morning and lounging in bed, I noticed a tightly woven birds nest nestling in the crook of an oak’s branches. If I prop myself up on two pillows, I can watch a pair of robins feeding their three offspring from where I lie.

When the parents are gone, the nestlings settle into the nest hunkered down so low they can hardly be seen until a parent returns with a mouthful to share.

Robn's nest
Three Beaks

With their outstretched necks and gaping mouths, each seems to be saying, “Me! Me! Me! Feed me first!”

Robin feeding fledglings
Me first

The female (with a dark grey head) always lands to the left to feed them while the male (with a jet black head) perches on the right—creatures of habit.

Sometimes mom will settle in on top of the chicks after she feeds them, amazingly adding to the small cup without anyone falling out or getting squashed. It’s like a clown car.

Robin's Nest
We all fit just fine

There is an occasional flutter of activity while the parents are away as the nestlings stretch and flap their wings, preparing for their big day.

They’re mature nestlings, I expect they’ll fledge any time now.   Until then, there’s no better way to start the day.

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4 Replies to “Birding from Bed”

  1. Great to see up close just how the fledglings get fed. Had no idea they stood up tall like in your picture! And glad to hear Dad has to help feed them as well as Mom. Also learned they start stretching their wings to strengthen before they are ready to start learning to fly too. You keep teaching me such interesting things with your words and your pictures. Now I know better what’s going on around me in our trees at home.

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